8 Best Herbs And Spices That Are Good For Dogs

Dive into our guide of 8 best herbs and spices that are good for dogs and enhance your pup’s diet the natural way!

For our pet companions, we all want the best for them. Keeping our pets healthy and happy is a top priority, and one way to achieve that is by ensuring they have a well-rounded and nutritious diet. While regular dog food is packed with essential nutrients, there’s an extra boost we can give to our canine companions by incorporating some herbs and spices into their meals.

Of course, it’s important to note that not all herbs and spices are suitable for our dogs.

In this article, we’ll explore various types of herbs and spices that are healthy for dogs while also offering a few extra health advantages. So, let’s spice up our dogs’ lives in the healthiest way possible!

8 Herbs and Spices That Are Good for Dogs

1. Turmeric


Turmeric is a vibrant yellow spice that has gained popularity for its numerous health benefits.

Curcumin, an active ingredient in it, has potent anti-inflammatory qualities. A tiny bit of turmeric added to your dog’s food can aid with inflammation and joint pain relief.

It might also help with digestion and liver function.

2. Parsley


There’s more to parsley than just a garnish for your dog’s food. Along with iron and folate, it is high in vitamins A, C, and K.

Parsley aids with digestion and helps freshen your dog’s breath. Additionally, it has natural diuretic properties that may help dogs with urinary tract problems.

Also Read: Pet Friendly Gardening

3. Cinnamon


Spices like cinnamon are warming and fragrant, and they provide several health advantages for dogs.

It can aid in blood sugar regulation and has anti-inflammatory qualities. Enhancing brain function and lowering the risk of cognitive decline can also be achieved by mixing a small pinch of cinnamon into your dog’s diet.

4. Ginger


Ginger is widely known for its ability to reduce nausea and settle upset stomachs.

It can be especially beneficial for dogs going through chemotherapy or those who have motion sickness. Ginger may help with digestion, lessen arthritis pain, and have anti-inflammatory qualities.

5. Oregano


A tasty herb with antibacterial and antioxidant qualities is oregano.

It can strengthen the immune system and promote general wellness in your dog. Additionally having anti-inflammatory qualities, oregano may help dogs that suffer from allergies or respiratory problems.

6. Mint


Mint is a cooling herb that helps improve digestion and breath for your dog.

Dogs with digestive problems may find relief from it as it includes antioxidants. Additionally relaxing, mint may help dogs feel less anxious.

7. Rosemary


The aromatic herb rosemary gives your dog’s food a lovely scent.

It possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Rosemary can strengthen the immune system, aid with digestion, and support heart health. It should be used carefully, though, as using too much of it could upset your stomach.

8. Cumin


Cumin, a spice often associated with human cuisine, can offer several potential benefits for dogs when incorporated into their diet in moderation.

Known for its digestive properties, cumin may assist in alleviating mild digestive issues such as gas and bloating in dogs. Additionally, it holds promise with its potential anti-inflammatory attributes, contributing to joint health and overall comfort for our canine companions.

Cumin also contains antioxidants, which can aid in neutralizing free radicals and supporting the immune system.


It’s crucial to start gently and observe your dog’s response when adding herbs and spices to their food. It’s always advisable to speak with your veterinarian before making any food adjustments because some dogs may be allergic to or sensitive to particular herbs and spices.

Remember that good nutrition should not be substituted with herbs and spices; rather, they should be used as additions to a balanced diet. You may improve your dog’s general health and well-being by adding these healthy and safe herbs and spices to their diet.


Are all herbs and spices safe for dogs?

  • Not all herbs and spices are safe for dogs. While many can offer health benefits, some may be toxic. It’s crucial to know which ones are safe and in what quantities. Consult your veterinarian before introducing new herbs and spices into your dog’s diet.

What herbs are beneficial for a dog’s digestive health?

  • Herbs such as parsley, mint, and ginger are known for their digestive benefits in dogs. They can aid in relieving indigestion, reducing gas, and promoting overall digestive wellness.

Can dogs consume garlic or onion-infused herbs?

  • No, dogs should not consume garlic or onion in any form, including in herbs. Both garlic and onion can be toxic to dogs, leading to serious health issues such as anemia. It’s essential to avoid these ingredients entirely.

How can herbs be safely incorporated into a dog’s diet?

  • Herbs can be added to a dog’s diet through homemade meals, treats, or by sprinkling them in small amounts over their regular food. Ensure the chosen herbs are safe for dogs, and introduce new flavors gradually.

Are there herbs that can help repel insects on dogs?

  • Yes, certain herbs such as rosemary and lavender are known for their insect-repelling properties. They can be used in dog-friendly products like sprays or incorporated into collars to help ward off pests.

Can herbs and spices alleviate joint pain in dogs?

  • Some herbs, like turmeric, possess anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate joint pain in dogs. However, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian for proper guidance on dosage and usage.

What herbs are safe for pregnant or lactating dogs?

  • Pregnant or lactating dogs should avoid herbs that may stimulate contractions, such as parsley and sage. Consult with a veterinarian to ensure the safety of any herbs during these crucial periods.

Can dogs have herbs in their treats?

  • Yes, dogs can have herbs incorporated into their treats. Homemade treats using dog-safe herbs can provide a tasty and healthy option. Ensure the treats are free from harmful ingredients such as chocolate or xylitol.

Are there herbs that can freshen a dog’s breath?

  • Yes, herbs like parsley are known for their breath-freshening properties. Chewing on parsley leaves can help combat bad breath in dogs.

How can I determine if my dog has an adverse reaction to a specific herb?

  • Watch for signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or changes in behavior. If any adverse reactions occur after introducing a new herb, consult your veterinarian promptly. Always monitor your dog’s response to new additions to their diet.

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